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The latest news from the STQRY team

How to Create a Driving Tour App for Your City or Region

To create a driving tour app, you need to choose the right app builder, map out your stops, create your content, and setup GPS triggers.

12 Best Software Tools for the Tourism Industry

There are a variety of software platforms for the tourism industry, including audio guide apps, CRMs, operations platforms, and more.

December 2022: Apps Gone Live

Last month, several informative and immersive apps launched – from the Vineyards in Sydney, Australia, to the Bothnian Sea in Finland. Read on to learn more about the latest “Apps Gone Live,” highlighting some of the most popular destinations and hidden gem attractions globally.

6 Types of Visitor Experience Software for Museums & Parks

Try this visitor experience software to help you provide a more engaging and meaningful experience for your visitors. 

3 Types of Museum Kiosk Software & Which Is Right for You

Museum kiosk software can help you engage visitors, sell more tickets and add-on experiences, and speed up cafe operations. 

Guide to Museum Audio Tour Equipment & Which to Choose

Museum audio tour equipment is essential for allowing visitors to explore your museum at their own pace and engage with the content they’re most interested in. 

November 2022: Apps Gone Live

Last month, a number of compelling and intriguing apps were launched. Read on to learn more about the latest “Apps Gone Live,” highlighting all types of global destinations from museums and cultural centers to college campuses and libraries.

October 2022: Apps Gone Live

Last month, a number of informational and entertaining apps were launched. Read on to learn more about the latest “Apps Gone Live,” highlighting historic and fun destinations around the world.

8 Top Technology Trends for Museums in 2023

No matter where you’re at—whether that’s implementing cloud-based tech for the first time or bending AR to your will—we’ve got insights into the top museum tech for 2023. 

Take a look at the trends that will power museums next year and how you can make them your own.

8 Best Practices for Creating Museum Displays

With museum displays, you can share just about any type of content or information with your visitors. But with all of that potential, there are plenty of pitfalls to avoid. To help you navigate the right formats and decisions along the way, we’ve curated a list of the best practices to follow when developing your own museum displays. 

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